
Journal of the Association of Nursess in AIDS Care / Janac 16
Bib 11213
  •  Clinical Depression and Condom USE Attitudes and Beliefs Among African American Adolescent Females
  •  Menopause-Associated Metabolic manifestations and Symptomatology in HIV Infection : A Brief Review With research Implications
  •  Development of Evidence-Based Exercise Recommendations for Older HIV-Infected Patients
  •  An Indevidualiaed Intervention to Foster Optimal Antiretroviral Treatment-Taking Gehavior Among Persons Living With HIV : A Pilot Randomized controlled Trial
  •  The Effects of Peer Education on Reduction of the HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection Risk Behaviors Among Trukish University Sutdents
  •  Falling Through the Carcks : Unmet Health Service Needs Among People Living With HIV in Atlanta,Georgia
  •  Handheld Computers to Run ACASI to Assess HIV Risk and Deliver Tailored Soap Opera Video Feedback: Acceptability Among Young Adult Urban Women