
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing / Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 3
Bib 11248
  •  subjective Experiences of Husbands of Spouses With Schizophernia : An Analysis of the Husbands'Descriptions of Their Experiences
  •  Stigma and Trust Among Mental Health Service Users
  •  Marriage and Mental Health : When a Spouse Has Alzheimer's Disease
  •  Secondary Traumatic Stress in Nurses : A Systematic Review
  •  The Resilience Scale:Phychometric Properties and Clinical Applicability in Older Adults
  •  Regulatory Oversight:Do Psychiartic patients Have the Right to Refuse Active Treament
  •  Symptom Management of Affective and Bognitive Disturbance With a Group of Cancer Surviors
  •  Depressive Symptoms Among HIV-Positive Postpartum Women in Thailand
  •  Smoking Cessation in Women With Server Mental IIIness : Exploring the Role of Exercise as an Adjunct Treatment
  •  Reliability and Validity of the chinese Version of the Mood Dissorder questionnaire
  •  Factors Associated With Glycemic contro and Diabetes Self-Care Among Outpatients with Schizophrenia and Type 2 Diabetes