
Family & Community Health = The Journal of Health Promotion & maintenance / serial 6 ( English )
Bib 13399120848
  •  Obesity and Perceived Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea–Related Conditions
  •  Health Belief Structural Equation Model Predicting Sleep Behavior of Employed College Students
  •  Association of TV Watching With Sleep Problems in a Church-Going Population
  •  The Prevalence of Sleep Disturbance in Alcoholics Admitted for Treatment: A Target for Chronic Disease Management
  •  The Relationship Between Sleep and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Adults: A Pilot Study
  •  Physical Activities and Sleep-Related Symptoms in 4 Major Racial/Ethnic Groups of Midlife Women
  •  The Impact of Mid- and Late-Life Loss on Insomnia: Findings From the Health and Retirement Study, 2010 Cohort
  •  Improvements in Sleep Problems Among the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Participants