Evidence-Based Nursing
/ serial 5E ( English )
Review : Inhaled corticosteroids reducewheezing and asthma cxacerbations in infants and preschool children
Review: culture-specific Programmes improve some asthma-related outcomes in children and adults from ethnic minority groups
Review:high-quality evidence on the effectiveness of laxatives for functional comstipation in children is limited
Review : cancer-related decision aids improve patient knowledge overall and reduce anxiety in screeing settings
Diets with different targets for intake of fat,protein,and carbohydrates achieved similar weight loss in obese adults
A behavioural weight-loss programme reduced urinary incontinence more than an education programme in overweiht and obses women
A very low calorie diet plus lifestyle counselling improved mild obstructive sleep apnoes in overweiht patients
Nurse-led care was non-inferior to physician-directed care in symptomatic moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea
Below-knee cast and Aircast brace improved ankle function at 3 months in acute severe ankle sprain
Review:mechanical bowel preparation before colorectal sutgery does not provide any benefit and may be harmful
Intravasculay catheter dressings with chlorhexidine-impregnated sponges reduced infection in the ICU
Review : compression was effective for healing venous ulcers,and multicomponent systems were better than single-component ones
review:silver-releasing dressings improve healing and quality of life in patients with non-healing chronic wounds
Review:little evidence exists for type of dressing of support surfacce or for nutritional supplements for pressure ulcers
Review:exercise interventions improve functional and physical performance but not activites of daily living in older adults
A combination of 4 health behaviours was associated with increasing risk of stroke
Review:anger and hostility increase risk of coronary hearh disease events in healthy people and those with ecisting CHD
Review:compression was effective for healing venous ulcers,and multicomponent systems ware better than single-compone ones
Review:silver-releasing dressings improve healing and quality of life in patients with non-healing chronic wounds
Review : silver-releasing dressings improve healing and quality of lfe in patients with non-healing chronic wounds
Review:little evidence exists for type of dressing or support surface or for nutritional supplements for pressure Ulcers
Review:exercise interventions improve functional and physical performance but not activities of daily living in older adults