
Geriatric Nursing / serial 7E ( English )
Bib 13399121539
  •  Sign chi Do and Physical Function:A pilot study
  •  Knowledge and injury prevention practices in homes of older adults
  •  Lower extremity ulceration caused by medical scooter injury : A case series
  •  An innovative approach to preparing nursing students for care of the elderly in the home
  •  Psychological,Physical,Social,and spiritual well-being similarities between Dorean older adults and family caregivers
  •  Responding to the death of a Resident in aged care facilities:Perspectives of staff and residents
  •  Review of current conceptual models and frameworks to guide transitions of care in older adults
  •  Antidepressant adverse frug reactions in olders:Implications for RNs and APNs
  •  Comprehemsive medication review-Coming soon to a nursig home near you
  •  The “invisible caregiver”: multicaregiving among diabetic African-American grandmothers