
Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America /a serial 4E
Bib 13399122822
  •  A Historical Perspective on the Development of Modern Concepts of Tissue Perfusion
  •  Microcirculatory Oxygen Transport and Utilization
  •  The Physiologic Role of Erythrocytes in Oxygen Delivery and Implications for Blood Storage
  •  Basic Concepts of Hemorheology in Microvascular Hemodynamics
  •  Monitoring Tissue Blood Flow and Oxygenation A Bridf Review of Emerging Techniques
  •  Exploring Hemodynamics A Review of Current and Emerging Noninvasive Monitoring Techniques
  •  The Experience of Family Members of ICU Patients Who Require Extensive Monitoring : A Qualitative Study
  •  Brain Perfusion and Oxygention
  •  Microcirculatory Alterations in Shock States