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 ชื่อเรื่อง (Title) 
Nursing Research
 ผู้แต่งนิติบุคคล  Lippinott Williams and Wilking
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์ (Imprint)  Lippinott Williams and Wilking,n.d.
 เลขเรียก  Nursing Research serial 15( English)
 Frequency  รายสองเดือน
 ISSN  0029-6562
 ห้องสมุดมี  ULIBM Volume 64 Number 6 ;Volume 62 Number 1 January/February 2013 ;Volume 64 Number 5-2015 c.1 ;Volume 60,No1,Year 2011 ;Volume 63 Number 4 July-Augst 2014 ;Volume 63 Number 5 September-October 2014 ;Volume 63 Number 3 May - June 2014 ;Volume 64 Number 3-2015 c.1 ;Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 5,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011 ;Volume 61,No 5,Year 2012 ;Volume 61,No 3,Year 2012 ;Volume 61,No 2,Year 2012 ;Volume 61,No 6,Year 2012 ;Volume 63 Number 1 c.1
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Computer Intervention Impact on Psychosocial Adaptation of Rural Women With choronic Conditions [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Randomized Clinical Trial Testing Efficacy of a Nurse-Coached Intervention in Arthroscopy Patients [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The Use of "Lives Saved"Measures in Nurse Staffig and Patient Safety Research:Statistical Considerations [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Adjusting for Patient Acuity in Two Approaches [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร cluster Analysis of Intake,Output,and Voiding Habits Collected From Diary Data [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Situational and Dispositional Influences on Nurses' workplance Well-Being:The Role of Empowering Unit Leadership [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร From Novice to Expert:confidence and Activity Status Determing Heart Failure Self-care Performance [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Examining Mediators of child Sexual Abuse and Sexually Transmitted Infactions [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Women'toileting Behavior Related to Urinary Elimination:Preliminary Results [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Race and Ethnic Differences in Health Beliefs About Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Coping Skills Trainging for parents of children Wich Type I Diabetes : I2-Month Outcomes [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Substanc Abuse,Violence,HIV,andDepression:An Underlying Syndemic Factor Among Latinas [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Family Strategies for Achieving Medication Adherence in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Automominc Nervous System Reactivity : Children With and Without Sickle Cell Disease [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Nurses'Work Shedule Characteristics,Nurse Staffing, and Patient Mortality [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No1,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Celiberate Ignorance A Systematic Review of Blinding in Nursing Clinical Trials [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No1,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Golbal Use of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No1,Year 2011]
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ลำดับที่ ประเภท เลขเรียก/บาร์โค้ด สถานที่ สถานะ
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 5,Year 2011
  Barcode: 000000214
On Shelf
  •  Predictors of Dietary Quality in Low-Income Pregnant Women / Eileen R.Fowles,Miranda Bryant,SungHun Kim,Lorraine O.Walker,Roberta Jeanne Ruiz,Gayle M.Timmerman and Adama Brown
  •  Fei-Wan Nga and Siew-Fei Ngu / Translation and Validation of a Chinese Version of the Family Sence of Coherence Scale in Chinese Childbearing Families
  •  Changing the Sheets A New System to Reduce Strain During Patient Repositioning / Olga Theou,Zoe Soon,Sue Filek,Marjorie Brims,Karen Leach-MacLeod,Gordon Binsted and Jennifer jakobi
  •  Fibromyalgia Symptoms,Physical Function,and bomorbidity in Middle-Aged and Older Adults / Casey R.Shilam,Kim Dupree Jones and Lois Miller
  •  Passive Sencor Technology Interface to Assess Elder Activity in Independent Living / Gregory L.Alexander,Bonnie J.Wakefield,Marilyn Rantz,Marjorie Skubic Ayra A.Aud,Sanda Erdelez and Said AI Ghenaimi
  •  Validity of Self-Rated Heating Compared With Audiometric Measurement Among Construction Workers / Oisaeng Hong , David L.Ronis and Cathy L. Antonakos
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011
  Barcode: 000000176
On Shelf
  •  Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Women'toileting Behavior Related to Urinary Elimination:Preliminary Results / Kefang Wang and Mary H.Palmer
  •  Race and Ethnic Differences in Health Beliefs About Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms / Lisa C.Welch,Elizabeth M.otelho,and Sharon L.Tennstedt
  •  Coping Skills Trainging for parents of children Wich Type I Diabetes : I2-Month Outcomes / Margatet Grey,Sarah S.Jaser,Robin Whittemore,Sangchoon Jeon,and Evie Lindemann
  •  Substanc Abuse,Violence,HIV,andDepression:An Underlying Syndemic Factor Among Latinas / Rosa Maria Gonzalez-Guarda,Brian E. McCabe,Aubrey Florom-Smith,Rosina Cianelli,and Nilda Peragallo
  •  Family Strategies for Achieving Medication Adherence in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation / Lisa Ingerski,Lauren Perrazo,Jens Goebel,an Ahna L.H.Pai
  •  Automominc Nervous System Reactivity : Children With and Without Sickle Cell Disease / Marsha J. Treadwell, Abbery Alkon,Lori Styles,and W.Thomas Boyce
  •  /
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011
  Barcode: 000000175
On Shelf
  •  Computer Intervention Impact on Psychosocial Adaptation of Rural Women With choronic Conditions / Clarann WeinertมShirley cudney,Bryan Comstock,and Aasthaa Bansal
  •  Randomized Clinical Trial Testing Efficacy of a Nurse-Coached Intervention in Arthroscopy Patients / Dorothy Jones,Mary E.Duffy,and Jane Falnagan
  •  The Use of "Lives Saved"Measures in Nurse Staffig and Patient Safety Research:Statistical Considerations / Luwis Diry,Koen Van Den Heede,Walter Sermeus,and Emmanuel Lesaffre
  •  Adjusting for Patient Acuity in Two Approaches / Barbara A.Mark and David W.Harless
  •  cluster Analysis of Intake,Output,and Voiding Habits Collected From Diary Data / Janis M.Miller,Ying Guo,and Sarah Becker Rodseth
  •  Situational and Dispositional Influences on Nurses' workplance Well-Being:The Role of Empowering Unit Leadership / Heather K.Spence Laschinger,Joan Finegan,and Piotr Wilk
  •  From Novice to Expert:confidence and Activity Status Determing Heart Failure Self-care Performance / Barbara Riegel,chistopher S.Lee,Nancy Albert,Terry Lennie,Misook chung,Eun Kyeung Song,Brooke Bentley,Seongkum Heo,Linda Worrall-Carter,and Debra k.Moser
  •  Examining Mediators of child Sexual Abuse and Sexually Transmitted Infactions / Melissa A.Sutherland
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 64 Number 5-2015 c.1
  Barcode: 2E6422015
On Shelf
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 64 Number 3-2015 c.1
  Barcode: 2E6432015
On Shelf
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No1,Year 2011
  Barcode: 000000198
On Shelf
  •  Nurses'Work Shedule Characteristics,Nurse Staffing, and Patient Mortality / Alison M. Trinkoff m Meg Johantgen,Carla L.Storr, Ayse P.Gurses Yulan Liang and Kihye Han
  •  Celiberate Ignorance A Systematic Review of Blinding in Nursing Clinical Trials / Denise F.Polit,Brigid M. Gillespie and Ruth Griffin
  •  Golbal Use of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index / Nora E.Warshawsky and Donna Sullivan Havens
  •  Effects of Learning Climate and Registered Nurse Staffing on Medication Errors / YunKyung Ghang and Barbara Mark
  •  Raising Nurses'Job Satisfaction Through Patient-Uriented Perception and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors / Ching sheng Chang , Su-Yueh Chen and Yi Ting Lan
  •  Healthcare Utilization in Women After Abdominal Surgery for Ovarian Cancer / Ruth McCorkle , Sangchoon Jeon,Elizabeth Ercolano and Peter Schwartz
  •  Depression Among Women Experiencing Intimate partner violence in a Chinese Community / Janet Yuen-Ha Wong , Agnes Tiwari,Daniel Yee-Tak Fong,Janice Humphreys and Linda Bullock
  •  Doing the Best to Control The Wxperiences of Taiwanese Women With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms / Yu-Hsin Wang,Shin-Hong Chen,Hei-Jen Jou and Lee-Ing Tsao
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 63 Number 1 c.1
  Barcode: 0000094
On Shelf
  •  Adaptaton of a Communication Interaction Behavior Instrument for Use in Mechanically Bentilated,Nonvocal Older Adults / Marci Lee Nilsen anc orther
  •  Great Expectations of Adoptive Parents: Theory Extension Through Structural Equation Modeling / Karen J. Foli
  •  Quality of Reportion Randomized Controlled Trials in Cancer Nursing Research / Jia-Wen Guo
  •  An Integrative Review of Factors Associated wiht Telomere Length and Implications for Biobehavioral Research / Angela R.Starkweather
  •  The Association of Pain With Protein Inflammatory Biomarkers: A Review of the Literature / Holli A.Devon
  •  Costs Associated With Recruitment and Interviewing of Study Participants in a Diverse Population of Community-Dwelling Older Adults / Gabriella A.Engstrom
  •  Errors in Preparation and Administration of Insulin in Two Urban Vietnamese Hospitals : An Observational Study / Huong-Thao Nguyen
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 64 Number 6
  Barcode: J02
On Shelf
  •  Advanced Use of Electronic Health Records:The Depth of Nusing Notes / Sanna Salantera
  •  Effects of Defecation Strain at Various Bed Reclining Angles on Intrarectal Pressue and Cardiovascular Responses / Mike Imai,Yuko Kuwahara
  •  Future Expectations,Attitude Toward Violence,and Bullying Perpetration During early Adolescence:A Mediation Evaluation / Sarah A. Stoddard,Jorge J. Varela,and Marc A.Zimmerman
  •  Biopsychosocial Contributors to Metabolic Syndrome : A Secondary Analysis of 2007-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data / Jennifer Saylor and Erika Friedmann
  •  Family Typology and Appraisal of Preschoolers'Behavior by Female Caregivers / Sallie P.Coke and Leslie C.Moore
  •  Cervical Cancer,Human Papillomavirus,and Vaccination Knowledge,Awareness,and Practices Among Turkish Hospital Nurses / Zeliha Koc and Tugba Cinarli
  •  Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Research Priorities in Eastern and Southern African Countries : Results From a Delphi Survey / Carolyn Sun,Jennifer Dohrn
  •  hysical Activity in Latin American Immigrant Adulth Living in Seville, Spain / Jose Rafael Gonzalez-Lopez
  •  Diabetes Learning in Vitrual Environments:Testing the Efficacy of Self-Management Training and Support in Virtual Environment / Allison A.Vorderstrasse
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