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 ชื่อเรื่อง (Title) 
Nursing Research
 ผู้แต่งนิติบุคคล  Lippinott Williams and Wilking
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์ (Imprint)  Lippinott Williams and Wilking,n.d.
 เลขเรียก  Nursing Research serial 15( English)
 Frequency  รายสองเดือน
 ISSN  0029-6562
 ห้องสมุดมี  ULIBM Volume 64 Number 6 ;Volume 62 Number 1 January/February 2013 ;Volume 64 Number 5-2015 c.1 ;Volume 60,No1,Year 2011 ;Volume 63 Number 4 July-Augst 2014 ;Volume 63 Number 5 September-October 2014 ;Volume 63 Number 3 May - June 2014 ;Volume 64 Number 3-2015 c.1 ;Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 5,Year 2011 ;Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011 ;Volume 61,No 5,Year 2012 ;Volume 61,No 3,Year 2012 ;Volume 61,No 2,Year 2012 ;Volume 61,No 6,Year 2012 ;Volume 63 Number 1 c.1
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Computer Intervention Impact on Psychosocial Adaptation of Rural Women With choronic Conditions [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Randomized Clinical Trial Testing Efficacy of a Nurse-Coached Intervention in Arthroscopy Patients [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The Use of "Lives Saved"Measures in Nurse Staffig and Patient Safety Research:Statistical Considerations [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Adjusting for Patient Acuity in Two Approaches [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร cluster Analysis of Intake,Output,and Voiding Habits Collected From Diary Data [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Situational and Dispositional Influences on Nurses' workplance Well-Being:The Role of Empowering Unit Leadership [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร From Novice to Expert:confidence and Activity Status Determing Heart Failure Self-care Performance [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Examining Mediators of child Sexual Abuse and Sexually Transmitted Infactions [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 2,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Women'toileting Behavior Related to Urinary Elimination:Preliminary Results [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Race and Ethnic Differences in Health Beliefs About Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Coping Skills Trainging for parents of children Wich Type I Diabetes : I2-Month Outcomes [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Substanc Abuse,Violence,HIV,andDepression:An Underlying Syndemic Factor Among Latinas [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Family Strategies for Achieving Medication Adherence in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Automominc Nervous System Reactivity : Children With and Without Sickle Cell Disease [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 3,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Nurses'Work Shedule Characteristics,Nurse Staffing, and Patient Mortality [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No1,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Celiberate Ignorance A Systematic Review of Blinding in Nursing Clinical Trials [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No1,Year 2011]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Golbal Use of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index [Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No1,Year 2011]
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ลำดับที่ ประเภท เลขเรียก/บาร์โค้ด สถานที่ สถานะ
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 63 Number 5 September-October 2014
  Barcode: 0030
On Shelf
  •  Decisional Balance and Self-Efficacy for Sun Protection: Measurement Among Turkish Adolescents / Aygun, Ozcan; Ergun, Ayse
  •  Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Mothers of Newborns Hospitalized on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit / Segre, Lisa S.; McCabe, Jennifer E.; Chuffo-Siewert, Rebecca; O’Hara, Michael W
  •  A New Look at Patient Satisfaction: Learning From Self-Organizing Maps / Voutilainen, Ari; Kvist, Tarja; Sherwood, Paula R.; Vehviläinen-Julkunen, Katri
  •  Postdeployment Reintegration Experiences of Female Soldiers From National Guard and Reserve Units in the United States / Kelly, Patricia J.; Berkel, LaVerne A.; Nilsson, Johanna E
  •  Managing Heart Failure in the Long-Term Care Setting: Nurses’ Experiences in Ontario, Canada / Strachan, Patricia H.; Kaasalainen, Sharon; Horton, Amy; Jarman, Hellen; D’Elia, Teresa; Van Der Horst, Mary-Lou; Newhouse, Ian; Kelley, Mary Lou; McAiney, Carrie; McKelvie, Robert; Heckman, George A
  •  Uncertainty in Patients With Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Undergoing Endovascular Surgery: A Qualitative and Inductive Study / Masuda, Mitsumi; Oishi, Hidenori; Yamamoto, Munetaka
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 62 Number 1 January/February 2013
  Barcode: 000000000042
On Shelf
  •  Multiple Comorbid Conditions Challenge Heart Faiulure Self-Care by Decressing Self-Efficacy / Victoria Vaughan Dickson
  •  the Prevelence of Employed Nurese Identified of Enrolled in Substance Use Montitoring Programs / Tobb B.Monroe,Hidi Kenaga
  •  Growing Old With Fibromyalgia : Factors That Predidict Physical Function / Linda M.Torma,Gail M. Houck,Gail M. Wagnild,Deborah Messear and Kim Dupree Lones
  •  Randomozed Trial of a Peer Resistance Skill-Buiding Game for Hispanic Early Adolescent Girls / Anne E.Norris,Charles Hughes,Michael Hecth,Nida Peragallo,and David Nickerson
  •  Risk Perception of Musculoskeletal injury Among Critical Care Nurese / soo-Jeong Lee,Julia Faucett,Marion Gillen,Niklas Krause,and Lynette Landry
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 63 Number 4 July-Augst 2014
  Barcode: 0031
On Shelf
  •  Sibling Cooperative and Externalizing Behaviors in Families Raising Children With Disabilities / Platt, Christine; Roper, Susanne Olsen; Mandleco, Barbara; Freeborn, Donna
  •  Feasibility of an Online Safety Planning Intervention for Rural and Urban Pregnant Abused Women / Bloom, Tina L.; Glass, Nancy E.; Case, James; Wright, Courtney; Nolte, Kimberly; Parsons, Lindsay
  •  Helping Relationships for Smoking Cessation: Grounded Theory Development of the Process of Finding Help to Quit / Andersen, J. Susan; Owen, Donna
  •  Caregiver Burden and Satisfaction in Families of Individuals With Schizophrenia / Hsiao, Chiu-Yueh; Tsai, Yun-Fang
  •  Predicting Influenza Vaccination Intent Among At-Risk Chinese Older Adults in Hong Kong / Yu, Doris S. F.; Low, Lisa P. L.; Lee, Iris F. K.; Lee, Diana T. F.; Ng, Wai Man
  •  Factors Associated With Self-Concept in Adolescent Survivors of an 8.0-Magnitude Earthquake in China / Wu, Dongmei; Jiang, Xiaolian; Ho, Kit-wan; Duan, Lijuan; Zhang, Weiqing
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 63 Number 3 May - June 2014
  Barcode: 009
On Shelf
  •  Advancing Nursing Science Through Health Trajectory Research: An Introduction / Jean Henly, Susan
  •  Health and Illness Over Time: The Trajectory Perspective in Nursing Science / Henly, Susan,Wyman, Jean,Findorff, Mary
  •  Trajectories of Parasympathetic Nervous System Function Before, During, and After Feeding in Infants With Transposition of the Great Arteries / Harrison, Tondi
  •  Modeling Trajectories and Transitions: Results From the New York University Caregiver Intervention / Gaugler, Joseph
  •  The Pain Trajectory During Treadmill Testing in Peripheral Artery Disease / Treat-Jacobson, Diane
  •  Patterns of Anxiety in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilatory Support / Chlan, Linda; Savik, Kay
  •  Symptoms Associated With Dietary Fiber Supplementation Over Time in Individuals With Fecal Incontinence / Bliss, Donna
  •  Adolescent Condom Use Consistency Over Time: Global Versus Partner-Specific Measures / Bearinger, Linda
  •  Health Trajectory Research: A Call to Action for Nursing Science / Henly, Susan
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 61,No 6,Year 2012
  Barcode: 000000264
On Shelf
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 61,No 5,Year 2012
  Barcode: 000000189
On Shelf
  •  Building Empowering Work Environments That Foster civility And Organizational Trust /
  •  Clinical Nurse Leader Impact on Microsystem Care Quality / Miriam Bender,Cynthia D.Connelly , Dale Glaser and Caroling Brown
  •  Screening for poststroke Depression Using the patient Health Questionnaire / Janneke M.de man-van Ginkel,Floor Gooskens,Vara P.M Schepers,Marieke J.Schurmans,Eline Lindeman and Tho'ra B.Hafsteinsdottir
  •  A National Inernet Survey on Midlife Women'sAttitudes Toward Physical Activity / Eun-Ok Im,San Ju Chang , Young Ko,Wonshik chee, Alexa Stuifbergen and Loraine Walker
  •  Impact of a Rural Village Women(Asha)Intervention on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in Southern India / Adeline Nyamathi,Alecia Y.Hanson,Benissa E. Salem,Sanjeev Sinha,Kalyan K.Ganguly,Barbarr Leake,Kartik Yadav and mary marfisee
  •  Sphygmonanometry-Evoked Allodynia in Chronic Pain Patients With and Without Fibromyalgia / Arthi B.Chandran ,cheryl D.coon,Susan A.Martin,Lori D.Mcleod,Theresa M.coles adn Lesey M. Arnold
  •  A novel Quantitative Approach To concept Analysis / Paul F.Cook,Kai R.Larsen ,Teresa J. Sakraida,Leli Pedro
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 61,No 3,Year 2012
  Barcode: 000000190
On Shelf
  •  The Nursing Student Self-Efficacy Scale Development Using Item Response Theory / Giena S. Stump, Jenefer Husman and Sarah K.Brem
  •  Increasing Meaning in Measurement A Rasch Analysis of the Child-Adolescent Teasing Scale / Judith A.Vessey,Rachel L. DiFazio and Tania D. Strout
  •  Establishing Measurement Invariance English and Spanish Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire / Karen H.Sousa,Stephen G.West,Stephanie E. Meser,Judy A.Harris , Susanne W.Cook
  •  Application of Bayesian Methodology to Measure Wquivalence Between Two Rating Scales / Fanchesca E. Pawlowicz,Byron J. Gajewski,Valorie Coffland,Diane K.Boyle,Marjorie J.Bott and Nancy Dunton
  •  Modern Statistical Modeling Approaches for Analyzing Repeated-Measures Data / Matthew J.Hayat and haley Hedlin
  •  Application of Pattern Mixture Models to Address Missing Data in Longitudinal Data Analysis using SPSS / Heesook Son,Erika Friedmann and Sue A. Thomas
  •  Latent Variable Mixture Modeling A Flexible Statistical Approach for Identifying and Classifying Heterogeneity / Sarah J.Schmiege,Paula Meek , Angela D.Bryan and Hans Petersen
  •  Propensity Score Estimates in Multilevel Models for Causal Inference / Patricia Eckardt
  •  Causal Mediation of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus preventive Intervention / Donna L. Coffman and Kari C.Kugler
  •  Navigating complex Sample Analysis Using national Survey Data / Jennifer Saylor,Erika Friedmann and Hyeon Joo Lee
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 61,No 2,Year 2012
  Barcode: 000000191
On Shelf
Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 6,Year 2011
  Barcode: 000000180
On Shelf
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Nursing Research serial 15( English) -- Volume 60,No 4,Year 2011
  Barcode: 000000178
On Shelf
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