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 ชื่อเรื่อง (Title) 
Geriatric Nursing
 ผู้แต่งนิติบุคคล  Elsevier
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์ (Imprint)  Elsevier New York
 เลขเรียก  serial 7E ( English )
 Frequency  รายเดือน
 ห้องสมุดมี  ULIBM Volume 34 Number 2 March/April 2013 ;Volume 35 No.4 July-August 2014 ;Volume 35 No.3 May-June 2014 ;Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013 ;Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013 ;Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013 ;Volume 35 Number 1 January/February 2014 ;Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014 ;Volume 43 January/February 2022 c.1 ;Volume 44 No.C March/April 2022 c.1 ;Volume 45 No.C May/June 2022 c.1 ;Volume 46 No.C July/August 2022 c.1 ;Volume 47 No.C September/October 2022 c.1 ;Volume 48 No.C November/December 2022 c.1
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Sign chi Do and Physical Function:A pilot study [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Knowledge and injury prevention practices in homes of older adults [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Lower extremity ulceration caused by medical scooter injury : A case series [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร An innovative approach to preparing nursing students for care of the elderly in the home [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Psychological,Physical,Social,and spiritual well-being similarities between Dorean older adults and family caregivers [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Responding to the death of a Resident in aged care facilities:Perspectives of staff and residents [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Review of current conceptual models and frameworks to guide transitions of care in older adults [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Antidepressant adverse frug reactions in olders:Implications for RNs and APNs [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Comprehemsive medication review-Coming soon to a nursig home near you [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Nurse Competencies For Person - Directed Care in nursing Home [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 2 March/April 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Cognitive stimulation by caregivers for people with dementia [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The comprehensive frailty assessment instrument : Development, validity and reliability [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Comparison of postprandial blood pressure reduction in the eldrely by different body position [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Health despite Frailty : Exploring influences on frai older adults experiences of health [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Examining the Feasibility and utility of an SBAR protocol in long-term care [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Caring for loved ones with frontotemporal degeneration:The lived experiences of spouses [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Symptoms,aging-stereotyped beliefs,and health-promoting behaviors of older women with and without osteoarthritis [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The effect of healing touch on the pain and mobility of persons with osteoarthritis:A feasibility study [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Identification and rates of delirium in elderly medical inpatients from diverse language groups [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Features of problematic eating behaviors among Community-dwelling older adults with dementia : Family Caregivers'experiennce [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Effect of age on febrile response in patients with healthcare-associated bloodstream infection [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร feasibility appraisal of an elastic band exercise program for older adults in wheelchairs [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร the feasibility of an intervention combining self-efficacy theory and wii fit exergames in assisted living residents:A pilot study [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Caregiving demand and difficulty in older adult spousal caregivers after coronary artery bypass surgery [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร A conceptual model for Culture Change evaluation in nursing homes [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Everyday memory strategies for medication adherence [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Dissemination of research findings : There are No bad Studies and No negative findings [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Measuring activity levels associated with rehabilitative care in hospitalized older adults [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Exercise habits of licensed nurses and nursing assistants: Are they meeting national guidelines? [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Proto Tai Chi: In search of a promising group exercise for the frail elderly [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Availability of selected Institute of Medicine recommendations for geriatric care in hospitals providing care to injured older adults [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร The “invisible caregiver”: multicaregiving among diabetic African-American grandmothers [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Older immigrants from the former Soviet Union and their use of complementary and alternative medicine [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Surviving with lung cancer: Medication-taking and oral targeted therapy [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No2 March/April 2014]
 ดรรชนี  มีดรรชนีวารสาร Nurse/family caregiver intervention for delirium increases delirium knowledge and improves attitudes toward partnership [serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 No.3 May-June 2014]
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ลำดับที่ ประเภท เลขเรียก/บาร์โค้ด สถานที่ สถานะ
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 5 Septemiber-October 2013
  Barcode: 000000000075
On Shelf
  •  Identification and rates of delirium in elderly medical inpatients from diverse language groups / Anne wand
  •  Features of problematic eating behaviors among Community-dwelling older adults with dementia : Family Caregivers'experiennce / Hua Chen Hsiao
  •  Effect of age on febrile response in patients with healthcare-associated bloodstream infection / shu-Hua Lu
  •  feasibility appraisal of an elastic band exercise program for older adults in wheelchairs / Kuei-min chen
  •  the feasibility of an intervention combining self-efficacy theory and wii fit exergames in assisted living residents:A pilot study / ying-yu chao
  •  Caregiving demand and difficulty in older adult spousal caregivers after coronary artery bypass surgery / Esther O
  •  A conceptual model for Culture Change evaluation in nursing homes / Chrisine
  •  Everyday memory strategies for medication adherence / Julie Blaskewicz
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 1 January / February 2013
  Barcode: 08
On Shelf
  •  Sign chi Do and Physical Function:A pilot study / Carol E. Rogers,Stacey Nseir and Colleen Keller
  •  Knowledge and injury prevention practices in homes of older adults / Wendy C. Shields,Elise C.Perry , Sarah L.Szanton,Margaret R.Andrews,Rebecca L.Stepnitz,Eileen M.McDonald and Andrea C. Gielen
  •  Lower extremity ulceration caused by medical scooter injury : A case series / Pamela Paparone
  •  An innovative approach to preparing nursing students for care of the elderly in the home / Sherril J.Smith,and Detrice G.Barry
  •  Psychological,Physical,Social,and spiritual well-being similarities between Dorean older adults and family caregivers / suk-sun Kim,David Hayward and Youngmi Kang
  •  Responding to the death of a Resident in aged care facilities:Perspectives of staff and residents / Heather M.Tan,Margaret M.O'Connor,Teresa howard,Barbara Workman, and Daniel W. O'connor
  •  Review of current conceptual models and frameworks to guide transitions of care in older adults / Carol A.Enderlin,Nanci McLeskey,Janet L.Rooker,Colleen Steinhauser,Deborah D'Avolio,Riesa Gusewelle,and kathleen A.Ennen
  •  Antidepressant adverse frug reactions in olders:Implications for RNs and APNs / Amanda L.Mitsch
  •  Comprehemsive medication review-Coming soon to a nursig home near you / Babara J.Zarowitz
  •  The “invisible caregiver”: multicaregiving among diabetic African-American grandmothers / Dana L. Carthron
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 35 Number 1 January/February 2014
  Barcode: 000000000000000000001
On Shelf
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 48 No.C November/December 2022 c.1
  Barcode: 748C2022
On Shelf
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 47 No.C September/October 2022 c.1
  Barcode: 747C2022
On Shelf
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 4 July-August 2013
  Barcode: 000000000064
On Shelf
  •  Cognitive stimulation by caregivers for people with dementia / Maarten Milders,Stephen Bell,Angus Lorimer,Tom MacEwan,and Alison McBain
  •  The comprehensive frailty assessment instrument : Development, validity and reliability / Nico De Witte,Robbert Gobbens,Liesbeth De Donder,Sarah Dury,Tine Buffel,Jos Schols and dominique Verte
  •  Comparison of postprandial blood pressure reduction in the eldrely by different body position / Jung Tae Son,and Eunjoo Lee
  •  Health despite Frailty : Exploring influences on frai older adults experiences of health / Zahra Ebrahimi,Katarina Wilhelmson,Kajsa Eklund,Crystal Dea Moore,and Annike Jalobsson
  •  Examining the Feasibility and utility of an SBAR protocol in long-term care / Susan M.Renz,Marie P.Boltz Laura M.Qagner,Elizabeth a. Capezuti and Thomas E.Lawrence
  •  Caring for loved ones with frontotemporal degeneration:The lived experiences of spouses / Lauren massimo,Lois K.Evans ,and Patricia Benner
  •  Symptoms,aging-stereotyped beliefs,and health-promoting behaviors of older women with and without osteoarthritis / Hyun-E Yeom
  •  The effect of healing touch on the pain and mobility of persons with osteoarthritis:A feasibility study / Der-Fa Lu,Laura K.Hart,Susan K.Lutgendorf,and Yelena Perkhounkova
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 34 Number 2 March/April 2013
  Barcode: 000000000044
On Shelf
  •  Nurse Competencies For Person - Directed Care in nursing Home / Christine Mueller,Sarah Burger,Joanne Reder,Diane Carter
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 46 No.C July/August 2022 c.1
  Barcode: 746C2022
On Shelf
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 44 No.C March/April 2022 c.1
  Barcode: 744C2022
On Shelf
serial 7E ( English ) -- Volume 43 January/February 2022 c.1
  Barcode: 7432022
On Shelf
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    ชื่อเรื่อง [Geriatric Nursing]



  คอมเมนท์: Geriatric Nursing
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